The ESGCT Board is composed of researchers and clinicians representing a broad range of European countries. Board members are elected by nomination and vote at the Annual General Meeting which is usually held during the Annual Congress.
The President and Vice-President of the society are appointed for two years and the other members of the Board are appointed for three years. For full details of governance arrangements please see our constitution.
Join our Board
If you would like to express an interest in becoming a Board member, please don’t hesitate to contact office@esgct.eu for details of the nomination process; ESGCT members will automatically be emailed when positions become available. Click here to view information about joining our Board.

Alberto Auricchio
Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine - TIGEM
Via Campi Flegrei 34
80078 Pozzuoli (NA) - Italia
Axel Schambach
Hannover Medical School
Institute of Experimental Hematology OE6960
Hannover Medical School
Carl Neuberg Str. 1
Hannover 30625
Gloria Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza
General Secretary
Av Pio XII 55
Pamplona 31008
Toni Cathomen
Institut für Transfusionsmedizin und Gentherapie
Centrum für Chronische Immundefizienz

Claire Booth
UCL Institute of Child Health
30 Guilford St
London WC1N 1EH
Anne Galy
ART-TG – Inserm US35
30 rue H. Desbruères
91100 Corbeil-Essonnes, Fr
Bernhard Gentner
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and
Department of Oncology,
Lausanne University Hospital (UNIL-CHUV)
Rue du Bugnon 25a
CH-1005 Lausanne
Angelo Lombardo
San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy
Via Olgettina 60
Milano 20132

Paula Rio
Biomedical Innovation Unit, Madrid
Els Verhoeyen
Ecole normal supérieure de Lyon
46, Allée d’Italie
69007 Lyon Cedex 07

Martino Cappelluti
Student board member
San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy
Via Olgettina 60
Milano 20132
Fanny Collaud
Student board member
1 bis, Rue de l’Internationale
91000 EVRY
Laura Torella
Student board member
v Pio XII 55
Pamplona 31008

Stefano Gritti
Student board member
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
20c Guilford Street
London WC1N 1DZ
Juliette Lemoine
Student board member
​Institut Imagine
24 boulevard du Montparnasse
75015 Paris
Marija Tomovic
Student board member
​Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine - TIGEM
Via Campi Flegrei 34
80078 Pozzuoli (NA) - Italia